Saturday, September 6, 2008

week 8

Today class was started off with the display of e-Book that is meant to teach young learners. I was impressed with the show for it has colourful and bright drawing pictures that may attract young learners to pay attention during the show. I think it also will enhance the pupils’ understanding of the topic or theme introduced for they are taught in a relaxed condition. The use of variety light and vivid colours will help them to focus on the subject matter of the presentation. Other than that, the simple and repeated sentence structures suit the early language learners for the structures will be easily consolidated.
I like the presentation in a sense that it guides me towards my next task which is the e-Book creation, for instance the type of font that is suitable for he young learners. This is significant for me to note that the usage of comic sans font will assist pupils to integrate in the learning process because it is similar to their writing.

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