1. What they like about blogging.
I think I like blogging for it gives me the opportunity to share experience with others as well as to read others’ reflection of what they do..
2. What they do not like about blogging.
If I was given choices..i would rather choose writing a diary than blogging..because I don t like looking at the screen to type words..but I can write diary anytime when I feel like doing so..i don’t have to wait for the internet connection..it is much easier..
3. What have they gained from blogging eg. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc.
I think that blogging is more to technology than anything else..it helps people to share their own experiences using the sophisticated medium..this is the easiest way to connect with local people but, over the world..the most important thing is, it helps in education, whereby, it can facilitate the pupils to share their works with friends and lecturers.
4. How?
Teachers can save the URL of the pupils to check on what they have done throughout the year..so that we can reduce the use of papers and teacher can also give comments on the pupils’ works.
5. what they like about the course
The thing that I like about the course is learning how to edit audios, photos and videos..i really can use this in my daily life and school..it is worthwhile to learn these all..it is not mere knowledge but it helps me to enjoy using the existing technology to do what I like..for instance I can be where I want to be using the photo editing..i can make my photos clear and flawless too..
6. what they do not like about the course
Maybe the internet connection…the rest is just fine =)
7. what they have learnt from the course.
I learnt about the power of the technology to share and to use links to make others look at our experience and give comment, basically…I learn about softwares and how to download and upload thing in the internet..
8. what they do not expect but have learnt from the course?
I do not expect to do editing works that I did not imagine before but now I can master it easily and use my creativity to make desirable things..
9. what they expect but have not learnt from the course?
Maybe the use of traditional resource materials..i am still lacking in producing materials that are non-technology..
10. if they can change anything about the course, state what it is and explain.
I don’t think that I had one but I think madam Fauziah can balance the use of tehnology and non-technology materials.=) that’s all..
Reflction for this course.
16 years ago